Across our Early Years Foundation Stage, we promote and hope to instill a love of learning within children that will inspire and challenge them through a balance of child-initiated, adult-guided and adult-led activities. Many of these activities are play-based and practical, and children can access them across both indoor and outdoor environments. Allowing children the opportunity to pursue their own interests and explore independently, in addition to adult led tasks, ensures that they know that their own ideas are valued and they are able to apply their learning to a range of areas, embedding knowledge and further developing their skills. It also helps them to become independent thinkers, problem-solvers and risk-assessors!
We understand that reading is of paramount importance in order for children to continue to progress in all subjects, throughout EYFS and beyond. Because of this, reading is at the heart of our Early Years curriculum and we have focus books throughout the year that complement each learning theme. We aim to provide a language-rich environment where reading is promoted and available throughout our continuous provision. Sharing books, stories, songs and rhymes are a daily part of our practice.
Our aim is to provide our children with firm foundations and the best possible start to the rest of their journey through school, and beyond.