Transition Arrangements
We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.
How we support children with SEND during transition:
Before your child joins us for Reception/EYFS, if your child is already identified with have special educational needs or disabilities, we would work closely with the nursery during the summer term, visiting and observing your child in the nursery setting. We will attend/arrange meetings with parents, nursery staff and any outside agencies involved.
The named contact (outside agencies) working with your child during nursery may change on entry into school. You will be kept informed of any changes and introduced to new people.
As pupils move through the school, transition meetings are held between class teachers to pass on and share information. Support plans are updated by the current teacher during the Summer Term and new outcomes set by the staff who know the child well. Successful strategies are also shared and any special resources passed on to ensure transition is as smooth as possible and provision is consistent for our pupils.
It is part of the SENCo’s role to ensure additional transition is offered, when necessary, and that staff have the relevant information before the new school year begins.
If a child with SEND transfers to us from another school we would ask their school to pass on all relevant information to ensure a smooth transition. Parents and carers would also attend a meeting with school staff to ensure school staff knew as much as possible about the pupil’s needs, strengths, interests and successful strategies.
Transition to KS3
We work closely with local secondary schools and many strategies are in place to enable the pupils’ transition being as smooth as possible. These include:
- A selection of visits and workshops at secondary schools during Year 5 and 6 so pupils become more familiar with the schools.
- Children attending transition sessions.
- Staff from secondary schools visit our school to introduce themselves and talk about the secondary school.
- Specialist SEN staff visit our school to begin to build relationships with pupils with SEN to ensure they have a point of contact at the secondary school.
- Additional visits can be arranged for pupils who need extra transition time in their new school.
- Discussions between ourselves and the receiving school prior to the pupil leaving.
- Information passed on to secondary schools regarding children’s needs.
- Visits/meetings can be arranged between pupils/parents/secondary school SENCO’s as needed.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements please contact the school and we will try our best to help you.